Lily Peng

Front-End Essentials





Script in Head vs Body

(nothing placed in the Head should be visible to the user)

When the browser encounters the script tag, it will block progress on parsing the rest of the HTML on the page as it downloads (if external) the script file and executes it.

In the past, this meant putting script tags at the bottom of the body.

The modern approach is to use async or defer.

While the browser is downloading the script, it is also continuing to parse the HTML. It will execute the script as soon as it is done downloading.

Keep in mind, async scripts are not guarenteed to run in a specific order, and you should not use document.write. Instead, add event listeners:


The browser will download and execute the scripts in order after the document has been loaded.

What makes a website slow?

Web Architecture

Soft Skills Q&A

Ask the Interviewer:


Cache? difference between a variable that is: null, undefined or undeclared (also how to check)?a/b testing system?

python -m http.server

CommonJS vs AMD

SCSS: sass --watch input.scss output.css

Dot Game

Write an async queing function that execute functions put in a que. between each function execution, wait 50 mils. (know promise resolution syntax)

"When you feel yourself struggling, it means you're separating yourself from the crowd. It means you're learning something that a lot of people would've given up on by now. So embrace that feeling rather than be discouraged."

Web Design

Accessible and User-Friendly

HTML5 Features

Browser Compatibility

Structure your CSS and Javascript for Working with Others


Useful Resources